"Splash" |
MACH3 Red-Dawn's Making Waves PT MXB2 MJC XF T2B Owned and trained by Taylor Guillet
Splash came from a farm in Texas in 2007 when Taylor was just 14 years old as her agility prospect. He has turned out to be amazingly focused and fast placing 3rd in the Jumpers class at the Nationals in 2013. He earned his latest title of Mach3 in January 2016 in Franklin, TN.
"Java" |
MACH3 Yellow Rose's Cafe au Lait MXG MJC OF T2B2 Owned and Trained by Rosalind Guillet
Java is Rosalind's second GSP to train and compete in agility. She recieved her first MACH title in March of 2014 and her latest title of MACH3 in January of 2016. She was invited and attended the AKC Invitationals for both 2014 and 2015. Java has also qualified to compete at the 2014, 2015 and 2016 AKC Nationals. At the 2016 Nationals she was clean 2 of 3 runs.
"Zuzu" |
Zuzu's Pink Petals RN AX AXJ MXF CGC Owned and Trained by Susan Talbot
Zuzu's first AKC trial was in September 2014. She has one leg towards her BN, two legs towards her MX, nine legs towards her MXJ and 13 legs and 98 points towards her T2B. She has 125 MACH points so far.
"Magic" |
| Susan's Black Magic III BN PCD RA OAP MJP OFP T2BP CGCA Owned and Trained by Susan Talbot
This picture is from Magic's first AKC trial (Swamp Dog) at the age of 8. Magic earned her last agility titles at the age of 11 1/2. She retired from agility on her 12th birthday, and from obedience soon thereafter. Magic also has one leg towards a CD and one leg towards an AXP title. She has 25 hard earned PACH points. She also has a number of NADAC titles. So proud of how well she has done coming so late into competition. Now she enjoys some leisurely tracking!
"Augie" |
| Trinity's Lucknow Augustus CDX RAE OAP AJP XFP CGC Owned and Trained by Stephany Monteleone
Augie did not start any type of formal training until he was about 2 1/2. Agility was his favorite sport, but he got a big kick out of rally, thinking it was all a big game. His jumping was never great mostly due to arthritis, but he was so much fun to run. He finally had to retire from agility and obedience due to that problem around 2011. Now he is enjoying the sport of tracking as much as he did agility. He will be 11 in 2016.
"Muttilda" |
Muttilda AX AXJ NAP OJP OF CGC Owned and Trained by Maria Delaup
Muttilda is an All American Mutt. Picked up from the ditch shortly after being thrown from a moving vehicle in 2011. She is Maria's first agility dog and the sport has been a great confidence building for her. Muttilda continues to make progress, slowly but surely, all while attaining more titles in AKC performance events.
"Ruudy" |
Ruudy AXP AJP NFP Owned and Trained by Maria Delaup
Ruudy is another All American Mix that showed up on our front porch in 2010 and has stuck around ever since. He is an opinionated boy who enjoys his time in the agility ring. Ruudy so loves his cookies at the end of his runs.
"BookIt" |
BookIt CGC Owned and Trained by Maria Delaup
BookIt is Maria's first border collie. He so loves his agility training. Look for BookIt to make his debut in agility in the Fall of 2016!
"Cozette" |
Ter Dan Goin Topless at Codack CD BN RE CAX RO Owned and Trained by Connie Back
Cozette is an athletic, smart and fun loving girl. She has been a Therapy Dog with the Visiting Pet Program of New Orleans at Magnolia School and Children's Hospital for 6 years. She loves Lure Coursing and Barn Hunt and is very much enjoying her agility training at Swamp Dogs!
"Sam" |
PAX Samwise RE MXP MJP (and many USDAA & NADAC titles) Owned and Trained by Virginia Besthoff
Sam is a 15 year old corgi. He was rescued from a shelter when he was 4 years old by the North Dallas Corgi Fanciers Club, and I adopted him from their website. He is a mellow dog who only did agility for the treats and praise and has always been happiest on the sofa. He is now retired.
"Delilah" |
PACH2 NATCH PDCH Delilah Owned and Trained by Virginia Besthoff
Delilah is a 9 year old corgi who has excelled at agility. She is very enthusiastic about any activity she can do with her people. Delilah has chapionship titles in AKC, USDAA and NADAC and still enjoys running, although her speediest days are behind her.
"Marlo" |
MARLO Owned and Trained by Virginia Besthoff
Marlo is a young corgi wo loves agility, hiking, swimming, squeaky toys, and other playful dogs. She is just learning agility and has a lot to learn!
"Leah" |
Knudsen's Leah MX AXJ NJP Owned and Trained by Susanne Knudsen
Leah came to us in 2012 through Doberman rescue after having spent the first five months of her life fending for herself with her littermates after being abandoned in a back yard. She is my very first agility dog. At her agility deput in June 2014, she was overwhelmed and left the arena, but her very next trial shet got her first Q! Ever since Leah has continued to build her confidence and adding titles to her name.
"Lily Beth" |
Sundance's Cajun Fleur de Lis AX AXJ OF CGC CD Owned and Trained by Rebecca Breaud
One will never meet a sweeter, more mellow dog than Lily Beth. Her major focus in life is to do anything that involves eating, and she has always been showered with cookies for her efforts in agility and obedience. Her career in agility and obedience was cut short when she injured her shoulder at a trial two years ago at the age of 7. She now lives to be a porch dog and greet anyone who comes to our door. Life is good!
"Phoebe" |
Credit Kaze Fly Me to the Moon AX AXJ OF Owned and Trained by Rebecca Breaud
Phoebe is a 3 year old Brittany with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. She is Rebecca's first Brittany, after training three Labrador Retrievers. She has been showing in agility for one year and is presently in the Masters Classes. She loves the sport, and it suits her personality. She loves to jump and run and continues to improve with every trial she attends. Phoebe is also preparing for the obedience ring, with two Beginner Novice Q's.
"Gee" |
TC MACH4 Sharpree's Imagine That! VCD2 RN MXC MJB2 MXP MJP OF T2B SE Bred, Owned and Trained by Sharon McDonald
Gee! is 3rd generation of Sharpree Dachshunds. When not entertaining at kid's parties, Gee! is a serious athlete among the elite all-time dachshunds. She was the 1st miniature longhair and the 8th dachshund in history to achieve the remarkable title "Triple Champion", earning Championships in Field, Conformation and Agility. Gee! is also a member of the prestigious "7 Way Dachshund" title holders, earning a title in all 7 AKC events in which dachshunds are eligible to compete (Obedeince, Agility, Field, Earthdog, Tracking, Rally and Conformation). Gee! is pursuing her ultimate goal: Tracking Champion! Mostly though, Gee! is an awesome companion who makes Sharon laugh daily!
"Paolo" |
CH Bel Canto's Hurricane UDX OM3 Owned and Trained by Elizabeth Boone
Paolo has advanced in Obedience much farther than I imagined he could. He loves to train, and when he is Up and Happy in the ring, he is breathtaking and has won a number of High in Trials. At 8, he is still moving wonderfully for such a large dog.
"Snickers" |
Snickerdoodle Doo AX AXJ OF Owned and Trained by Denise DiLosa
Snickers is a 3 year old All American mixed breed. She came to us from the local animal shelter where she was listed as a feral puppy. She has overcome severe fear issues and bilateral luxating patella surgery to be the dog she is today. Earning Excellent titles in both Standard and JWW in one 3 day weekend. We will soon start our journey towards her MACH!
"Jacy" |
Jacy Wigglesbutt AX MXJ XF T2B Owned and Trained by Denise DiLosa
Jacy is a 7 year old Olde Boston Bulldogge, registered as All American with the AKC. She started agility training when she was 4 months old and has excelled since day one in practice. When she is not doing agility she is normally spleeping or eating, two of her great pastimes. She is slowly working towards her MACH with 111 points and 2 QQs!
"Potter" |
MACH Tellstar's A Little Bit of Magic MX MXB MXJ MXJB NF RN CGC Owned and Trained by Amy Wilson
Potter is a four year old Shetland Sheepdog. Potter is Amy's first agility dog. They started classes with no intentions of ever competing in agility. Potter was a shy and unsure puppy and we started classes to help him build confidence. Potter did build lots of confidence and along the way, Potter and Amy both fell in love with agility. This past year Potter qualified for the 2016 AKC Nationals. He had three clean rounds and placed 19th overall in the 12 inch division. He also earned his MACH title in February of this year. Amy says "I am so proud of him and how far we have come. He is a joy to own and will always have a special place in my heart. He truly lives up to his name."
"Breeze" |
Shilohs Summer Breeze AX MXJ CGC Owned and Trained by Amy Wilson
Breeze is a 3 year old Shetland Sheepdog. Breeze has been trialing in agility for a little over a year now. He has come a long way in that year and has earned many titles in a very short time. Breeze has great enthusiasm for the sport and is so much fun to run with. He always has a smile on his face when he is out in the ring!
"Turbo" |
Owned and Trained by Kimberly Hoeppner
Turbo is a shy boy who came from the local SPCA where he was returned three times, before finding lucky owner number four. He just needed somebody who understood his sensitive soul. Turbo began training in obedience as a way to build confidence, and before long he progressed into competition obedience and rally. He's done really well in those activities and has been invited and competed in the Rally National Championship in 2015 and 2016! He's won many rally high combines and even scored a perfect 200 in obedience! He is currently training for his UD, RAE2, and hopes to one day compete in agility. Currently he trains in agility for fun, likes to hike and backpack with his owner, bikejore, rollerjors, and plays in doggy parkour and trick training.
"Rouxette" |
Triquetra's Cajun Roulette Queen
Owned and Trained by Kimberly Hoeppner
Rouxette is a puppy Belgian Malinois who aspires to one day compete in obedience, rally, and agility. She has big ambitions and hopes to do lots of fun activities with her owner when she gets old enough! Certainly she is learning basic competition obedience and fun tricks! She is going to be a rock star one day!
"Sophie" |
CH PACH Mako-Winfall Lucknow Topsy Turvy VCD1 TDU RAE OA OAJ MXP7 MXPS MJP4 MJPB PAX NF MFP T2B ME Owned and Trained by Stephany Monteleone
Sophie is an 8 year old Mini-wire Dachshund. Stephany started her in obedience and agility after she finished her championship as a way for her to have fun and be around people because she was extremely shy around strangers. She really loved both of those and many other sports as well, including Rally, Tracking, Earthdog, and Field Trialing. She has done very well in competition despite still being nervous in large crowds. She is now retired from agility and rally, but working on higher titles in obedience and tracking, which has become her favorite thing, with a little earthdog, field trial, and now Barn Hunt too! Sophie is Stephany's constant companion and very dear to her heart.
"Belle" |
CH Hathor Farm's Lucknow Adora-Belle MW BN RE OA AXJ OF ME CGC Owned and Trained by Stephany Monteleone
Belle is a 3 year old Mini-wire Dachshund. She finished her championship a little after her first birthday and started training for the many different sports that Dachshunds can compete in. She has excelled at Earthdog, earning her Master title at the age of 2 1/2. She is a work in progress, competing and training in Obedience, Agility, Rally, and Field Trial while also learning to track, and go after the rats in Barn Hunt. Belle is a very special pup that loves everyone and everyone loves her! It's impossible to be in a bad mood around Belle! She just makes you laugh, and is such a joy to have.
"Harley Jane" |
| Harley Jane Royce CD PCD BN RA AX AXJ NJP OF CGC Owned and Trained by Paula Royce
Four year old, 6 pound, Harley Jane has exceeded my every expectation and has a lot more in the tank! My Novice A dog has taught me more about competing and life than I could have ever dreamed when I decided to embark upon performance sports with a Chihuahua! Harley’s come a LONG way from the shelter she was born in. She’s recently found a new agility gear and has earned a first QQ and an overall 72 MACH points. In addition to her current titles she’s earned the following legs, 10 T2Bs, 2 AXJs in AKC. Harley’s no slouch in NADAC competition either, earning a NAC, NJC, OAC, TG-N, TN-N and 200 Lifetime Points. Once Harley found her fun gear she’s not been one to leave anything untried. Tracking is her most recent pursuit and she’s surprised me on every outing with her willingness to use her nose and to learn. Team Harley has a long way to go, but the going is so much fun!
"Gemma" |
Royce's Sweet Gemma June Owned and Trained by Paula Royce
Fifteen-week-old, 3¾ pound Chihuahua, Gemma June, recently dropped into my life, abandoned in a parking lot. Gemma doesn’t know it yet, but her life is going to be so much more fun than if she was found by a person who thought she only belonged on a lap. She began her first Obedience class at Fido Finishing School, Puppy Preschool. Gotta get those basics before she can follow in her big sister, Harley’s, footsteps in Obedience, Rally, Agility and Tracking. If the size of Gemma’s heart matches the size of her ears, we’re in for a lot of fun!
"Toby" |
Himark's Puttin on the Ritz UD RN HT PT AX AXJ MXP MJP OF CA CAA CGC Owned and Trained by Jeanne Stephens
Toby is a Shetland Sheepdog and will turn 13 years old in August 2016. Toby has been my lap dog and the boy loves to work and have fun. He retired from Obedience Competition last year. At his last show he placed 4th with a score of 195 1/2 in the Open B class. Before retiring from obedience competition Toby earned 3 UDX legs an 2 OTCH points. He also earned herding and coursing titles. He is now also retired from agility but had lots of fun earning many agility titles with 60 MACH points and 498 PACH points. In his younger years he earned Best of Breed in the conformation ring. He may be retired but still playing obedience and agility in his back yard . . .
"Ashlee" |
Angelica The River Sings BN NA NAJ NF Owned and Trained by Jeanne Stephens
Ashlee continues to train and show in agility and obedience. She is nine years old but still acts like a puppy. Ashlee was the juvenile delinquent among Angelica Shelties and at nine years old she still lives up to the name. Gotta lover her!!
"Flash" |
Candlewoods Mirage CD TD RA AXP AJP VCD1 Owned and Trained by Leslie Boucher
This is my Flash. She is a very enthusiastic Labrador Retriever, and puts her heart into everything she does.
"Twist" |
OTCH Sasser's Twist Of Fate TDX VCD3 UDX2 OM4 RN MXP MJP Owned and trained by Leslie Boucher
Twist is a 12 year old Labrador, retired now from competition. She is my fifth generation of home-bred Labs shown in obedience, tracking, hunt tests, and agility, and the last of her line. She continues to enjoy tracking, and demands to go everywhere with me and Flash. She was always a lot of fun to show, and loves to cuddle with me, when Flash doesn't butt in!
"Sage" |
MACH2 NATCH PDCH Juju's Magical Fire RE MXG MJC MFG TQX T2B2 (and many other NADAC and USDAA titles) Owned and Trained by Donna Dombourian
Sage is a 7 year old liver spotted Dalmatian. Sage competes in three venues of agility – AKC, NADAC, and USDAA where she has earned her Agility Championship Titles in all 3 venues (the first and only Dalmatian to do so). Sage was the first Dalmatian to earn the TQX – Triple Q title in AKC and she excels in FAST. Sage was invited to and participated in the 2014 and 2015 AKC Agility Invitationals. Dabbling in Rally Sage earned her RE title but she prefers to do agility (and so does her human mom).